Saturday, October 8, 2011

Funky Monkey

I was going to make a Thanksgiving themed Jell-O shot (especially since my parents just got back from Atlantic City with a bottle of creamy pumpkin spice liqueur.. um YUM), but I thought of this recipe the other night before I went to bed (yes I dream Jell-O) and had to try it out. The swirled chocolate on top makes the shot, so don't omit it if you test it!


1/2 cup         Melted vanilla ice cream
1/4 cup         Coconut milk
1/4 cup         Water
1/2 cup         Cream
1 tsp             Vanilla extract
2 1/2 pkgs    Knoxx gelatin
1 1/2 cup      Banana liqueur
1/4 bag         Chocolate chips

In a sauce pan on low heat, heat the ice cream. Once melted, add the coconut milk, water, cream, vanilla, and gelatin, turn heat to medium-high. Stir constantly until gelatin has dissolved, and mixture almost reaches boiling point. Remove from heat and add banana liqueur. Pour into pan or molds and place in refrigerator.

Let set at least 3 hours, best overnight.

Before you serve, heat 1/4 bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips in a microwave-save bowl in microwave for 1 minute, stirring after 30 seconds. Add melted chocolate to a zip lock bag, and let cool for 5 minutes. Cut a small slit in the corner of the ziplock bag. Cut the Jell-O into cubes and add to paper cups. Swirl the chocolate over each cube. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.

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